[Originally posted on Bahiyyih’s webble, but later moved here.]
Chain of events:
- Moldy basement
- Eliminate moisture by grading to make water run away from house
- Use leftover imported dirt to make flower beds
- Realize that dirt is very clay-ey
- Decide to amend it with leaves rustled from neighbor’s yard (the rental duplex across the street owned by the nice German Grandma a couple of doors down) at 10:30 pm
Bahiyyih has a story all ready:
Well, you see, this is the spot Georgia has to stand in every morning to catch her school bus. They’d decompose and … yeah
Edit, for anyone who thought that Bahiyyih might be doing something illicit:
I don’t think our neighbors will complain that she is raking away their leaves for free. Quite the opposite; our next-door neighbor, for example, wanted to pay us $20 to clear the leaves from her yard by mowing them down, although we declined because we were planning to rake most of them anyway, to compost.